It's So True.
Considered Prolife - by Jordan
Can you be anti those but pro choice and be considered prolife?
Heart of God - by Ronald
Jordan, not only that but you too can have more then enough scripture to conclued we are near to the heart of God as well.
Pro-life is in the Aggregate - by Jeffrey
Maybe because pro-life is in the aggregate, the big picture? I can call myself pro-life and still be willing to eliminate those who would, for instance, commit genocide.
Inevitable that Abortion - by Mo
It was inevitable that abortion would come up. Here's my take on that
Innocent and Guilty - by Christina
That's why I say I am anti-abortion and I don't call myself pro-life, because there is a difference between innocent and guilty.
Thank you, Founding Fathers! - by Tom
And because of the first amendment, which was won by war, we can call ourselves anything we want. Thank you, founding fathers!